随着组织继续向混合工作模式转变,在远程和办公室员工之间建立归属感变得比以往任何时候都更加重要。这就是为什么我们采访了《数字肢体语言:如何建立信任和联系》一书的作者Erica Dhawan,听听她对公司如何在这个新的工作时代培养包容和合作文化的见解。
随着组织继续向混合工作模式转变,在远程和办公室员工之间建立归属感变得比以往任何时候都更加重要。这就是为什么我们采访了《数字肢体语言:如何建立信任和联系》一书的作者Erica Dhawan,听听她对公司如何在这个新的工作时代培养包容和合作文化的见解。
吉利安小川当前位置远程工作的广泛普及改变了我们所熟悉的工作场所。即时通讯应用成为了新的办公通道。开着摄像头进行视频会议成为了Facetime的新定义。随着这些变化,企业也在重新思考如何在新的虚拟工作场所培养企业文化和归属感。我是Jillian Ogawa, Workday的高级内容营销经理,今天和我在一起的是《数字肢体语言,如何建立信任和联系》一书的作者Erica Dhawan。我们将讨论组织如何在混合工作环境中创造归属感。艾丽卡,欢迎来到工作日播客。
Dhawan字体研究表明,当我们面对面交流时,高达60%到70%的交流是我们的非语言肢体语言。节奏、停顿、手势、语气、销售对话中的前倾、坚定的握手或眼神交流。但通过我的研究,我发现在一个数字甚至是混合的世界里,肢体语言并没有消失。它已经改变了。我们现在注入了我所说的数字肢体语言,这是我们在数字交流中发出的线索和信号,构成了我们信息的潜台词。我说的不仅仅是极速的视频技巧。我说的是所有在现代电子邮件、视频通话、即时通讯和短信中取代握手、点头、向前倾的暗示和信号。比如选择你使用的交流方式。你是选择发邮件、打电话还是视频通话?你的回应时间,语气和标点,大写风格。 Even simple things like how you run your video meeting are not only traditional ways to communicate, they make or break how others feel about you in a modern marketplace. And that's what digital body language is all about.
Dhawan:是啊。有很多东西一直在变化和发展。我将通过一个客户的具体故事来强调它们。我在和一个客户一起工作。她的名字叫凯尔西。在疫情期间,她得到了一些反馈,说她的同理心在360度的情况下很弱。我认识凯尔西很多年了。当Kelsey和其他人在一个物理房间时,她非常棒。她所有传统的移情标志都很棒。她听得很认真。 She uses great body language. She asks thoughtful questions. She makes her team feel heard. But what we came to realize is while her traditional body language cues of empathy were great, her digital body language was abysmal. She would send brief, low-context emails, things like, "Call me now," freaking out her team. She would cancel video calls at the last minute. She would sometimes look down at her phone during video calls, making her team not feel valued or heard or recognized. And so in many ways, what she realized is while her traditional markers of empathy were great, she really needed to adapt them to a digital world. I'd argue that one of the reasons there was a Great Resignation is because we didn't always know how to have a great recognition of our colleagues–
Dhawan说到痛点,我认为有三个挑战,在很多方面,我认为围绕这个挑战的神话已经在这场大流行中被打破了。第一个误区或痛点是,文化总是建立在办公室里。那么我们如何在混合环境中做到这一点呢?事实是,文化从来都不是在办公室里建立起来的。早在疫情爆发前的研究就证明,虚拟团队的表现远远超过同处一地的团队,因为它与物理距离无关。它实际上是关于在你的团队中建立良好的沟通和协作仪式。所以,我认为现在是领导者制定新的规范、新的仪式的时候了,围绕着伟大的团队精神和沟通是什么样子的。第二个痛点也是一个已被打破的神话,那就是生产力也与出勤有关。我需要看到你,让你知道你在工作,我们在完成任务。我认为,这在过去造成了很多接近偏见,研究表明,领导者倾向于奖励那些他们经常见到的人,而不管他们的工作质量如何。 That's never been the best indicator of leaders of any profession. And so this gives us an opportunity to create what I call hybrid equity, to really check our biases, to make sure that if we're running a hybrid team, we're having those watercooler moments with our remote colleagues just as much as in person. We're setting up hybrid office hours so teammates in different locations can come together, not just those that are lucky enough to walk down the hall on the day we're in the office. The last key pain point that I've heard is that, you know, innovation is challenging given that we're not in the office. And I'd argue that there's a lot of spontaneous creativity in person, and let's make sure to bring that back as we come back to offices where we're not back in the office and our door's shut because we're on video calls all day. But I'd argue actually, and research has shown, that innovation is best when we're not only thoughtful of who's in the office, but inclusive of all of our colleagues no matter the distance, where instead of just asking the same five people on our floor how to solve a problem, we say to ourselves, "Who else across our organization might have solved this? How could I engage them virtually to ask those questions?" And, you know, again, I think really summing this up, it's about really checking our bias and again, maximizing the collective expertise of any employee, not just those in close proximity.
Dhawan:是啊。所以,你知道,同理心被定义为站在别人的立场上,同时又保持自己的立场的能力。但事实是,我们在大流行前谈论同理心的大多数方式都是建立在肢体语言线索上的。对吧?如果你看到有人在流泪和兴奋的边缘,你知道如何与他们互动。在今天的工作世界里,当你发邮件时,你不知道对方是快哭了还是兴奋了。在虚拟视频通话中阅读这些线索要困难得多。我喜欢说同理心是尊重人们的时间表和收件箱。同理心是仔细阅读信息并清晰地回复,这样人们就会觉得你在倾听他们,你在倾听他们,你在珍惜他们的时间。我还认为同理心就像在混合会议中,检查你的接近偏见。 Having a live host and a remote host. Have your remote host lead the first part so that you remove your bias. Or making sure that in your meetings, you're thinking like a TV show host where you're calling on people, you're engaging your introverts just as much as your extroverts, you're using tools like chat so that you're not turn-taking all the time. You're really maximizing all of the knowledge of the room. So those are just examples of what I call the new versions of empathy. However, I think the thing that's most important is that empathy in a virtual environment is about not assuming you have all the answers. And I'll close with this one story. I, I know one leader. She runs a global team. She has colleagues in London, Buenos Aires, and Sydney, Australia. She found that her colleague in Buenos Aires was not engaging often on video calls. At first she thought he must be multitasking. Then she thought maybe he's not interested. Finally, she said, "I need to check my bias, value him, and ask." She sent him a quick IM, and he finally wrote back, "I'm having such a hard time translating three different English accents when English is not my native language. An American accent, then the British accent, then the Australian accent at the exact same time." This really allowed her to check her bias. So they started using closed captioning. They recorded the calls. They used the chat tool more. It made a significant difference not just for him, but for the entire team. So empathy in that situation was not assuming that she knew what was working. It was being willing to ask, to get comfortable being uncomfortable with honest feedback, and then taking actions that enabled more equity and inclusion on her team.
Dhawan我认为另一件非常重要的事情是要理解,就像我们团队中有不同的传统肢体语言风格一样,我们也有不同的数字肢体语言风格。在我的书《数字肢体语言》中的研究中,我谈到了一端是如何被我称为数字肢体语言原住民的人。在另一端,我称之为数字肢体语言适配器。“数字肢体语言本地人”指的是在虚拟优先环境中茁壮成长的人。他们喜欢短信和即时通讯。他们讨厌语音信箱。他们讨厌突然打来的电话。在频谱的另一端是数字适配器。他们感觉更像是混合工作的真正移民。他们喜欢面对面的会议。 They like that quick phone call out of the blue. And I think what's important is to help leaders understand that we have to acknowledge some of these individual differences. To not assume we're all the same, and, a-and to be willing to talk about some of these differences, but then really align on ways of communicating that aren't based on people's styles, but best serve the task at hand. Uh, and, and again, I think a lot of that goes to having clear norms. If it's complex, we have a meeting, but we keep it to 20 minutes. We always have an agenda, and we always send a quick summary at the end. If it's not complex, it's an IM. Urgency is another factor. Do we respond in two minutes or two days? Having different cues and different channels is also important. And lastly, consistency. Some people wanna hear from you every week. Some people wanna hear from you twice a day. And, and really knowing the difference based on individual styles matters.
Dhawan:是啊。这是个好问题。因此,无论是时事,还是像“大辞职”或“安静辞职”这样已经成为每周团队会议话题的短语,我认为都有适当的空间来进行这些对话。与此同时,我认为一个供人们分享的空间和一个供团队帮助重新构建对话以提高工作效率的空间是有区别的。有些事情,你知道,是永远无法在家庭餐桌上解决的。所以我们把它们带到工作中,它们也永远不会被解决。比如,祖传的厌女症。在一个工作团队中,这可能是一件很难解决的事情。所以我认为这方面的一个例子是,作为一个领导者,经常有一个我称之为混合饮水机的时刻,在那里你没有空间去完成议程,但你实际上给了人们空间去谈论本周的胜利,本周的挑战,什么是专业的,什么是个人的?它真的创造了这样的环境——不需要再开一个30分钟的会议。 It could be 10 minutes at the beginning or end of another meeting, for people to share things. I know one leader who always asks his team, "What's one piece of bad news I normally wouldn't want to hear?" He doesn't assume they'll share, but he designs a space to talk about things that are hard right now. I also think that it's important for leaders to also think about how can you use these conversations as a way to make them more productive? Because there are things that will just never be resolved, as I shared earlier.
Dhawan例如,现在有一个短语,安静辞职,这是新闻中的热门话题。我最近在领英上写了一篇关于这个的文章,因为我讨厌“安静辞职”这个词。我认为这很令人困惑。一方面,我喜欢它承认我们必须结束这种匆忙的文化和有毒的工作场所,但另一方面,我认为这种将工作懈怠或偷懒正常化的想法,对任何人的职业生涯都没有好处。所以我鼓励他们团队的领导者说:“我知道这是一个热门话题。最重要的是,如果你觉得你可以安静地辞职,跟我谈谈。让我们来看看这里是否适合你,或者我可以把你调到公司更好的部门,或者你最好离开,去培训别人。”对吧?让他们知道安静地退出不是解决办法。我看到的另一件事是改变对话。 Let people share, but then talk about what does joyful engagement look like? The opposite of quiet quitting. And how can we get there? So try to focus on spaces to make the conversations productive for your team, because again, there's things that will never be resolved on a family dinner table that can end up creating more confusion on a team if we go down a path and we're not able to resolve it. And then last but not least, I think what's most important is to be able to embrace different viewpoints. I think there's not a one-size-fits-all answer. But the more leaders are authentic, the more they're willing to create spaces, the more they're willing to then know when they need to move on or adjust the conversation to be productive for the team, I think are factors that matter now.
Dhawan:是啊。以下是一些关键提示。首先,在混合型工作环境中,不要简单,要清晰。正如我之前所说,仔细阅读是新的听力。清晰地书写是一种新的同理心。第二,不要忘记表达感激之情。对吧?想想看。如果某人熬夜做某件事,他们收到的是K,句号信息或THX,他们不会感到感谢。花点时间真正地承认并表达感激之情。 And last but not least, don't be hasty. Be thoughtful. Remember when to choose the right channel or slow down to speed up. I created a four-page summary of best practices on hybrid work. And anyone can get it at hybridtoolkit.com. It's available for anyone to use with their teams to really jump-start better hybrid work in our new normal.
在Workday DevCon 2023上度过了令人兴奋的一周。查看我们开发者大会的亮点,包括新工具和平台功能,合作伙伴关系公告,以及Workday如何使用人工智能和机器学习帮助开发人员创建推动业务增长的应用程序。