Deliver the employee experience your people deserve.

当员工的经验是一切,organizations need the right data, insights, and technology to deliver on that expectation. See how Workday helps you ensure every employee feels empowered, connected, supported, and inspired.

Watch the empower every employee with personalized experiences video

Empower each and every employee.

When employees feel empowered, that’s when they do their best work. Workday helps you deliver what they need to succeed—in real time and at the moments that matter most.

Give instant access to important tasks and actions.

Deliver tailored announcements with engaging, relevant videos.

Measure employee sentiment with pulse surveys.

Watch the Create Streamlined Connections Across the Enterprise video

Keep people connected, even while apart.

Work is more mobile and distributed than ever. That’s why we help your people communicate, collaborate, and connect across systems and tools—so they feel more engaged and included.

Bring content and transactions together in one integrated system.

Let employees use their favorite collaboration tools.

Maintain productivity in any workspace or workplace.

Watch the Provide Unparalleled Support to Meet Your People’s Needs video


Employees want to feel like their organization is there for them. Our employee experience management solution allows you to provide individualized support for every person. And when more help is needed, you can seamlessly connect them to HR.

Serve up individualized content for each employee.

Quickly provide answers with Workday Assistant.

Decrease ticket workloads and increase employee sentiment.

Watch the Help Talent Grow to Grow Your Business video

Inspire talent to grow.

Keep your employees engaged and growing so they can take on anything that comes their way. Workday empowers you to deliver the right opportunities to the right people with the right skills.

Enable growth with on-demand, virtual learning.

Provide personalized opportunities for development.

收割sights on current skills, strengths, and interests.

Let’s build a best-in-class employee experience.