The student system that puts students first.
The world's leading institutions trust Workday as their student information system.
Designed to keep up with changes in education.
Education is changing radically. Workday Student helps you keep up. Our system is designed to seamlessly unite your whole institution and better serve both students and leaders.
Built for student engagement.
Meet students where they are, in the moments that matter. From alerts to email campaigns and more, we give you the tools to provide an experience unlike any other.
Flexibility to adapt to change.
Today’s students have different needs than students in the past. Our flexible foundation enables you to adapt your programs to your diverse and distributed student population.
Insights to help you stay ahead.
Put your data to work and quickly respond to change. Our student system is connected to finance, HR, and planning, giving you real-time insight into your campus.
Efficiency to focus on student success.
We streamline your processes and automate everything we can. Everyone can now spend less time on mundane tasks and more on helping students succeed.
“Workday Student has transformed the way our students engage with their academic information at Babson. The registration experience, the degree tracking, and the academic planning have empowered students in truly meaningful ways.”
What You Can Do
Create a great student experience from day one.
Streamline academic planning, registration, and access to financial insights—so you can keep students engaged.
Manage student finances and records all in one place.
Handle your students’ financial transactions and employment, while helping them track progress toward graduation.
“Stevens is all about technology, and we believe in the accelerating pace with which technology is evolving. So embracing change is something we welcome.”
Our customers achieve amazing results.